Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Things to Include on Your Product Label

Labeling Designs and IdeasProduct labels feature designs specific to the marketer or the manufacturer, so the range of information and shapes that custom labels include is practically endless, but there are some features and details that all labels should contain:

  • The name of the product;
  • The name and address of the marketer and/or the manufacturer;
  • Product code and dimensions – if applicable, such as in the case of machine parts;
  • Volume and weight – again, only if applicable, such as in the case of food products or cosmetics;
  • Expiration date;
  • Special conditions required for proper storage, such as environment temperature, the number of days that the product can be used or consumed after opening;
  • Special conditions of use, such as usage for medical purposes this is especially important for marijuana labels Colorado companies now produce or information related to age groups that should not come into contact with the product, such as toddlers;
  • List of ingredients – essential for cosmetics, food products as well as for chemicals;
  • Warnings related to potential hazards, such as components that might trigger allergic reactions or flammability;
  • A short description of the product that includes the flavor, if the space permits, some marketing texts about the effects of the product, the feeling it creates.

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