Thursday, January 23, 2020

Text Size and Your Label

Text Sixe Peel And Reveal

Your product labels need to be informative and easy to read – two of the most important requirements that influence the size of the fonts you use for the text on the label beside the requirement to cover the right percentage of the product packaging. Here are a few things that you should know about text size on your labels:

  • You can use online tools to determine ideal text size – these apps will ask you for the shape and size of your project packaging and will return the exact size of the area that your text should occupy;
  • The calculations are different depending on the shape of the product – in the case of rectangular packaging, the size of the text can occupy one entire side, but the maths is more difficult in the case of cylindrical or round products;
  • Fonts and formatting – there are many formatting rules that need to be respected when adding text to your labels. The font size needs to be proportional with the label size, it is a good idea to use bold fonts and the different types of information, such as the product description and the net contents, need to be separated clearly, with spaces and empty lines.  Find more label space with labels.

First Posted over here: Text Size and Your Label

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