Monday, March 29, 2021

Helpful Tips for Making Your Product Labels FDA-Compliant Without Much Effort

custom printing we can help product company fda quidelines

Depending on what you’re selling, you might find that the FDA might be more or less lenient about the product labels you’re using. However, there are many cases when failing to comply with the FDA’s rules and guidelines has led to entire businesses being shut down, and with what’s been going on in the world lately, you really don’t want to risk that.


Fortunately, the FDA doesn’t have a whole lot of rules for most types of products, and unless you’re selling pharmaceutical items, you should be able to ensure that your label will comply with the FDA rules quite easily utilizing custom label printing Denver company.


The main part of the label to consider – especially when it comes to foods, beverages and frozen food items – is the “Nutrition Facts” section. Here you have to make sure that the title uses the largest font, that the calorie amount for serving is presented in clear, easy to read text, and that you include all the essential information that the FDA will require; such as the total amount of fats, carbs, cholesterol and protein, as well as important details about each specific section, such as the amount of trans and saturated fat, the added sugar and dietary fiber content and the types of vitamins, minerals and other ingredients that the item might also contain.

First Seen here: Helpful Tips for Making Your Product Labels FDA-Compliant Without Much Effort

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